Fantasiant – CD Book

Another great company started by the Valencian Capella de Ministrers that culminates with success and a luxury presentation, Fantasiant, that takes us back to the times when Spanish music (Catalan-Aragonese, exactly) became Europeanized, in one of its brightest periods . The excuse: the necessary tribute to Ausias March, that name that we all read in the history books of literature, that now becomes flesh precisely through the less tangible art that there is: music. The court of Alfonso the Magnanimous was the scene of this qualitative leap, to which he pays tribute with an excellent presentation Carles Magraner. Another more to add to the previous deliveries recreating moments of the Valencian musical history consecrated to Jaime I (3 CD), the Borgia or the Battle of Almansa.

20,96  IVA incl.

494 in stock


REF.: CDM 0927
EAN 13: 8216116209271
ISBN: 978-84-613-2456-9

Edited : 23/09/2009

Maricarmen Gómez
Ferran García-Oliver

Sound engineering, mixing and edition: Jorge G. Bastidas

Cover: Manuel Boix

Graphic design: Annabel Calatayud

Legal deposit:V-2084-2009

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Pilar Esteban, soprano
Jose Hernández-Pastor, contratenor
Capella de Ministrers
Carles Magraner, director

David Antich, flautes

Carles Magraner, viola

Lixsania Fernández, viola

Jordi Comellas, viola

Paco Rubio, cornetto

Katharina Baüml, xeremia

Simeón Galduf, sacabuig

Manuel Vilas, arpa de dos ordenes

Juan Carlos de Mulder, viola de mà

Pau Ballester, percussió

Música y poesía para Ausiàs March
Obras de Verdelet, Brudieu, Cornago, Tinctoris, Nichola y de los Cancioneros de Montecassino, Palacio, Cordiforme, y El Escorial de los siglos XV – XVI:

1.Jean Voisard: La Verdelete
2.Joan Brudieu /Ausiàs March: Fantasiant, Amor a mi descobre
3.Anònim: Amor, che t’o fatto io che me dai guerra
4.Anònim: El cervel mi fa
5.Anònim: Zappay [lo campo]
6.Joan Brudieu /Ausiàs March: Si fos Amor substança rahonable
7.Joan Cornago: Moro perchè non day fede
8.Enrique de París: Mi querer tanto vos quiere
9.Anònim: Pase el agoa, ma Julieta
10.Anònim:Voca la galiera
11.Joan Brudieu /Ausiàs March: Lir entre carts, lo meu voler se tempra
12.Jean Tinctoris: Vostre regart si tràs fort m’a feru
13.Anònim: Cor mio volonturioso, dura, dura!
14.Anònim: Dindirín, dindirindaña
15.Anònim: Correno multi cani ad una cazia
16.Joan Brudieu /Ausiàs March: Ma volentat ab la rahó s’envolpa
17.Anònim /Francesco Galeota: O tempo bono, e chi me t’a levato
18.Aliot Nichola: Aliot nouvella
19.Joan Cornago: Morte o mercè, gentile aquil’ altera
20.Anònim: Chiave, chiave
21.Joan Brudieu /Ausiàs March: Plena de seny, donau-me una crosta
22.Anònim: La basse dance du roy d’Espaingne
23.Anònim: La graçia de vos, donsella
24.Anònim: Alle stamenge, donne

1 CD + BOOK- DDD – 65’04”

Another great company started by the Valencian Capella de Ministrers that culminates with success and a luxury presentation, Fantasiant, that takes us back to the times when Spanish music (Catalan-Aragonese, exactly) became Europeanized, in one of its brightest periods . The excuse: the necessary tribute to Ausias March, that name that we all read in the history books of literature, that now becomes flesh precisely through the less tangible art that there is: music. The court of Alfonso the Magnanimous was the scene of this qualitative leap, to which he pays tribute with an excellent presentation Carles Magraner. Another more to add to the previous deliveries recreating moments of the Valencian musical history consecrated to Jaime I (3 CD), the Borgia or the Battle of Almansa.

Josemi Lorenzo Arribas

Additional information

Weight 312 g