Cançoner de Gandia

The Chant of the Valencian Sybil. A collection of more than sixty religious musical compositions (Psalms, motets, carols…) from different authors of the 16th century, linked to the Duke of Calabria’s Valencian court. The original manuscript is incomplete – and besides some of the works are illegible because of the natural deterioration process. Nevertheless, it permits the reconstruction of the majority of the compiled music, sample of the richest polyphony of the Valencian 16th century.

15,90  IVA incl.

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EGT 695 CD. First Edition 1997

AVI 8021. Reedition 2001

Texts: Carles Magraner

Sound engineering, mixing and edition: Alfonso Ródenas

Recording by Tabalet Estudios in the “Salón de Coronas del Palau Ducal ” in Gandía (Valencia), from January 4 to 6 1997.

Cover: Miguel Ángel’s Capilla Sixtina “Sibila de la bóveda”

Vicent Almar

DDD: 71’50”

Legal Deposit: V-972-1997

Capella de Ministrers Carles Magraner, director

Isabel Monar, soprano
Shi Chiao-Tu, contratenor
Albert Folch, tenor
Ricardo Sanjuán, tenor
Enric Martínez-Castignani, barítono

Coro gregoriano:
Pedro Cruz, José Luis Marquina, Iñaki Muñoz, Francisco Pérez, Enrique Roselló y Francisco Villanueva

David Antich, flautas dulces
Marisa Esparza, flautas traveseras
Francisco Rubio, corneta
Ramón Pérez, sacabuche
Beatrice Delpierre, chirímia & bajón
José Manuel Navarro, vihuela de brazo
Carlos García, vihuela de arco
Carles Magraner, vihuela de arco
Sylvia Costigan, violón
Octavio Lafourcade, vihuela de mano
Josep R. Gil-Tárrega, órgano
Pau Ballester, percusión

Historical Texts:

La recuperación del “Cançoner de Gandia” y el “Cant de la Sibil·la Valenciana”

Read texts


Surge amica mea

Verbum caro factum est

Sancta Maria Virgo Virginum

Angelus Domini apparuit Joseph

Elegit sibi Dominus Beatum Joseph in Sponsum

Missa de desponsatione B.M. Virginis

Remedio del primer padre

O pulcherrima mulierum

Salve Regina

O magnum misterium

No la devemos dormir la Noche Santa

Soleta y verge estich

Madre aquel moçuelo

Pues natus est nobis

Cant de la

Sicut erat in principio

Toca Juan tu rabalejo

Te Deum

Cançoner de Gandia palau ducal 97
Capella de Ministrers en el Salón de Coronas del Palau Ducal de Gandía, Enero 1997

Additional information

Weight 180 g