This is a project to recover the Valencian musical heritage of the Renaissance This album features a selection of pieces from this songbook with works…
Capella de Ministrers new release “Alegoría del Amor”
Read more: Capella de Ministrers new release “Alegoría del Amor”
Carles Magraner and the “Lamentations” of Cristóbal de Morales.
In the interview, Carles Mesa talks with the musician Carles Magraner, who will bring the Lamentations of Cristóbal de Morales to San Lorenzo de El…
«Alegoria del Amor»
A Love Allegory: Bicinia and Love Villancicos in the Uppsala Songbook. The selection of villancicos it contains is grouped under three themes: popular songs and pastoral songs; Christmas carols, and love songs. We can listen to a selection from this songbook of works for two and three voices, some of them instrumental works under the title ‘Polyphonic song themes”, which are structured as exercises in composition around Gregorian techniques.