Lucretia Borgia

This is a musical tribute to Lucrezia Borgia, the daughter of Alexander VI. She was married three times, had an illegitimate child and one of her husbands was murdered. All this happened in the short span of thirty-nine years when the Renaissance was in full flow. Capella de Ministrers’ programme is based on music from Lucrezia’s time and is an attempt to reveal her humanity and break away from the stereotype of a dissolute and incestuous woman by placing her in the historical context and the daily life of her time. This music allows us to experience first-hand the Italian Renaissance courts, the birth of Lucrezia in Rome in 1480, her marriages to Giovanni Sforza, Alfonso d’Este and Alfonso of Aragón and her relationships with Pietro Bembo, Isabella and the court of Ferrara. All culminating in her recourse to religion and in her death 500 years ago in 1519. Lucrezia Borgia, a Renaissance woman, whose life was a blend of history, myth and legend.

16,00  IVA incl.

181 in stock


CDM 1946

Texts: Joan Francesc Mira y Maricarmen Gómez

Languajes: valencian, spanish, english and french

Mixing and mastering: Jorge García Bastidas (dbc estudios)

Cover: Flora de Bartolomeo Veneto. Lucrecia Borgia attributed portrait

Graphic design: Annabel Calatayud

DDD: Legal deposit: V-253-2019

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Elia Casanova, soprano
Hugo Bolívar, contratenor
Jorge Morata, tenor
Pablo Acosta, barítono

Carles Magraner, vihuela de arco
David Antich, flautas
Sara Águeda, arpa
Robert Cases, guitarra renacentista y vihuela
Pau Ballester, percusiones

El nacimiento del mito en Roma (1480)

1. Basse Danse La Spagna. Constanzo Festa
2. De tous bien playne. Hayne van Ghiseghem
3. La Spagna. Heinrich Isaac
4. Cantava per sfogar. Romanesca. B. Tromboncino

La nobleza valenciana (1492)

5. Dindirindin. Balada de Montecassino. Anónimo
6. La Dama d’Aragó. Tradicional
7. Folies de les Caterines. Joan Escrivà. Anónimo

Los Sforza y Milán (1492)

8. Amor che sospirar mi fa. Alexander Agricola
9. Pavana y Gallarda. Luis Milán

Giovanni da Pesaro y Alfonso de Aragón (1498)

10. Ingiustissimo Amor. Ariosto. Constanzo Festa
11. Un cavalier di Spagna. Magistro Rofino
12. Scharamella va a la guerra. Josquin Desprez

Duquesa de Ferrara y Alfonso de Este (1502)

13. O triumphale diamante. Giorgio Luppato (Canción escrita para la boda de Alfonso y Lucrecia)
14. Pavana alla ferrarese. Joan Ambrosio Dalza
15. Queste non son piu lachryme. Ariosto. Tromboncino (Canción dedicada a Ippolito de Este, cuñado de Lucrecia)
16. Signora, un che v’adora. Marchetto Cara. Anónimo
17. Alla Spagnola. Joan Ambrosio Dalza

Pietro Bembo

18. Quand’io penso al martire. Bembo. Jacques Arcadelt
19. Muchos van d’amor heridos. Anónimo
20. Saltarello y Piva. Joan Ambrosio Dalza. (Isabella de Este cuando escribía a su marido contándole las fiestas de bienvenida a Lucrecia en Ferrara en 1502)

Muerte de Ercole y refugio de espiritualidad (1505-1519)

21. Senza te alta regina. Niccolò