
Blending tradition and heritage

Beyond «flamenco» in Spanish musical tradition. Arrels (Roots) represents a new approach to traditional Valencian music, interpreting it through the prism of the early music repertoire. After three decades working to recover our musical heritage, Capella deMinistrers felt it was time to undertake a re- evaluation of music from the oral tradition by seeking out the links between this tradition and the oldest known compositional forms (those found in threshing songs and lullabies, in instrumental pieces with irregular beats, and in the chants of the auroros (“dawn singers”) as well as the more famous boleros, fandangos and peteneras, whose commonalities of formand harmonic structure with passacaglias and ostinatos suggest that they too originated in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Arrels presents songs and instrumental pieces that traces and reaffirms the oral traditions of a rich and diverse musical world, reuniting the early music of its manuscripts or printings with the oral traditions of its people.

15,90  IVA incl.

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CDM 1844

Texts: Josep Vicent Frechina y Carles Magraner

Languajes: valencian, spanish, english and french

Mixing and mastering: Jorge García Bastidas (dbc estudios)

Graphic design: Annabel Calatayud

DDD 78’41” Legal deposit: V-741-2018

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Elia Casanova y Josep Aparici “Apa”, voces

Carles Magraner, violas

Lixsania Fernández, violas & violone

David Antich, flautas

Sara Águeda, arpa

Aziz Samsaoui, qanun

Robert Cases, tiorba & guitarra

Eduard Navarro, bandurria, cornamusa & dulzaina

Pau Ballester, percusiones

1. Xiqueta meua. Canción de cuna

2. Fandanguet

3. Sandinga de Xixona. Letra de Jaume Pérez Montaner

4. Boleros de Guadassuar y l’Alcúdia. Letras tradicionales, de Marc Granell y de Vicent Andrés Estellés

5. Tocs de Morella. Gegants, Traspasset i Albades

6. La Llarga. Canto de Auroros

7. Peteneres de La Vilavella. Letra de Marc Granell

8. Riberenca. Cant d’estil. Letra de Isabel Robles

9. Mareta. Canción de cuna

10. La perdiueta. Jotas

11. Fandanguet i Nans de Xàtiva

12. Cantos de trilla. La tendera de Muro, Cavalllers mireu si es pena, Catalina li diuen

13. Xàquera d’Alcàsser

14. Goigs a Nostra Senyora de l’Antiga. J. Bautista Comes

15. L’u. Cant d’estil. Letra de Begonya Pozo

Additional information

Weight 130 g