New Release “The Silk Road”

The Silk Road is one of the most remarkable achievements in the history of civilizations. Along this great Silk Road travelled not only the traffic of trade, but also the cultures of nations, spiritual values and religious ideas. This is a musical journey through the territories of the Silk Road, across borders. It is a unique experience to share this common heritage, by recovering the past in order for it to be borne to the present, using music as a universal language. 


The Silk Road is one of the most remarkable achievements in the history of civilizations. Along this great Silk Road travelled not only the traffic of trade, but also the cultures of nations, spiritual values and religious ideas. Silk has been one of the ways around which has turned the relationship between nations of the East and West, and through silk a technological, economic, artistic and cultural communication has been produced between geographically- different areas, which have turned it into a route of transmission of knowledge, a route of interchange of cultures and customs. We too have been formed by it, making us more aware of our muticultural past, of which Islam formed part with key contributions, amongst which is worth underlining the introduction of the silk industry into the European continent.

This is a musical journey through the territories of the Silk Road, across borders. It is a unique experience to share this common heritage, by recovering the past in order for it to be borne to the present, using music as a universal language.

2 CD Book format, includes textes by Carles Magraner and Germán Navarro 
