CdM presents El Greco in Valencia, Toledo & New York


Doménikos Theotokópoulos’s musical journey includes the most iconic pieces of music from his birth city in Crete, his time in Venice and Rome, to finish his days in the Spanish city of Toledo. As quoted the painter Jusepe Martinez in his Discursos practicables del Noblísimo Arte de la Pintura, around 60 years after El Greco’s death: “He won many ducats, spent on unnecessary extravagance of his house, having salaried musicians to enjoy all the delight when eating”. So, let’s serve him as the music. This release, that includes texts of Alfonso de Vicente and Álvaro Zaldívar, is available since January 2014 at digital plattforms, CdM on-line Shop and more than 25 countries throught Outhere.

The Greco’s concert programme will be presented in Valencia, Toledo & New York (Central University of New York CUNY, Metropolitan Museum and Hispanic Society) next december 2014. Doménikos Theotokópoulos’s musical journey includes the most iconic pieces of music from his birth city in Crete, his time in Venice and Rome, to finish his days in the Spanish city of Toledo. In Crete: El Greco was formed as a painter in the tradition of Byzantine art, where the icon painting would condition the most of his later works, and there he learned to paint with tempera technique. After, he traveled to Italy: Doménikos Theotokópoulos was interested from the beginning to paint ”alla maniera italiana”, in Venice, Crete political capital, in 1567. Since his arrival to Venice he contacted to Titian’s workshop, where he find the necessary tools for the reinterpretation of Western models, acquiring new technical expertise. His life journey ends in Toledo: was a fortune for the time of Philip II that El Greco was found in Spain, particularly in Toledo, the right environment for creative restlessness.

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