April 26th at 8.30pm “FANTASIANT Música y poesía para Ausiàs March”

April 26th at 8.30pm “FANTASIANT Música y poesía para Ausiàs March”

Friday 26 CdM will move to Villajoyosa (Alicante) where it will perform the concert “FANTASIANT, música i poesia per a Ausiàs March” in front to the audience of Teatro Auditorio.

Ausiàs March (1397 – 1459), after taking part to Alfonso the Magnanimous’ campaigns in Mediterranean Sea, retired himself in Gandia (Valencia) in 1425 where he began writing his poetical works, under the influence of the musical background of Naples, definitely the cultural centre of the Aragon Kingdom.

The ensemble is composed by Carmen Bou (soprano), Carles Magraner (vihuela de arco) and Ignasi Jordà (harpsichord).