New Album “El Ciclo de la Vida”

Capella de Ministrers, to celebrate 25th anniversary, presents the new album El Cicle de la Vida, published in a luxury limited edition. It contains a CD (76’29”) with repertoire of the career of the group organized in four sections: genesis, metamorphosis, concupiscence and apocalypse. Includes unreleased Seikilos’s epitaph and reeditet Plany de Maria of Misteri d’Elx.

The book includes texts by Béatrice Traver, Carles Magraner, Maricarmen Gomez, Fernando Delgado, Josemi Lorenzo, Honorio M. Velasco, Alvaro Zaldivar and Kevin Power and reproductions of works by Flor Garduño, Carmen Calvo, Isabel Muñoz and Eva Lootz.

The publication of this discographic work is sponsored by Fundació BancSabadell and VLC/CAMPUS and may be purchased at the University of Valencia, in regular sales points, and online at and digital stores.