The Fundació Cultural CdM aims at putting into value the musical heritage of the former Crown of Aragon. A cultural common heritage of remarkable importance for the musical history, from Valencia, a city with constant historical relevance along the centuries . The development of the Foundation purpouse will be carried out, among others, by the following forms of action: musical researching, catalogation, documentation, discographic and bibliographical editions, congresses, courses, programming and tasks of difussion of Early Music through concerts and education activities. In short, everything related to the rediscovering, the promotion and the enhancement of the Early Music Heritage. Creating relationships between festivals, educational or research centers, conservatories, from a markedly interdisciplinary perspective.
Starting from a historical reality such as the existence of a geopolitical, cultural and social structure known as the Crown of Aragon, between the 12th and early 18th centuries, the Foundation establishes a framework for international action in order to achieve its objectives, in its own historical context, allowing to offer a global and integral vision that attends, besides the local peculiarities, the logical correspondences and synergies established between the different spaces of coexistence, as well as the communication and dialogue, and the exchange between all the cultures of East and West.